Minister Griffith Presents Special Awards to Project teams


Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, the Honourable Charles Griffith, delivering his address at Project Dawn's graduation ceremony.

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, the Honourable Charles Griffith has promised no slowing down of efforts to continuously empower young people in Barbados.

He made the comments at the inaugural graduation ceremony of the Block Transformation Unit’s Project Dawn programme, held last Thursday night, at IIlaro Court, where 235 persons were recognised for their efforts as they graduated from the programme.

Along with the presentation of certificates from the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology, Barbados Vocational Training Board and the Barbados Community College, Minister Griffith also presented special awards to current and former members of Ministry staff. For their stellar work on the Special Projects Committee presentations were made to Youth Commissioner Corey Marshall, retired Youth Commissioner Charles Husbands, and former Youth Programme Consultant, Adriana Waithe. Also receiving awards for their exceptional work on the Block Committee and Project Dawn were Marcus Stephen, Hasani Newton, and Shane Haynes.

The Minister says his team in the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, continues to try to reach as many Barbadians as possible to impact and transform their lives, through their various programmes.

Inviting attention to the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, Theron Durrant, a graduate of the Ministry’s Youth MC Programme, Minister Griffith appealed to members of cabinet and the audience to support the programme by engaging the services of the trained young persons.

The evening was extra special for the graduates with the presence of Prime Minister Mottley whose words of encouragement and many examples of focus, dedication and commitment resonated with all in attendance.